The Science Behind The Wim Hof Method

A big shout out of gratitude to Jason and Peter of Ignite Sadhana for sharing this information with us! Over time, we as humans have developed a different attitude towards nature and we’ve forgotten about our inner power and our connection as humans with nature. This is the ability of our body to adapt to extreme temperature and survive within …

The Science of Meditation

Meditation is beneficial to our wellbeing.  Scientists have recently stepped up their game with the research surrounding meditation.  Although there is a long way to go to fully understand the magnitude of the benefits, there is a lot that is already known. Meditation increases the ability for one to focus and pay attention–research shows that these benefits are long lasting …

The Science of Creativity

Creativity positively impacts mental health.   Research shows that creative outlets relieve both stress and anxiety.  For those who have experienced trauma, creativity helps lessen the feelings of shame, anger, and depression associated with that trauma.  In addition, creativity inspires new thinking patterns and playfulness. Creativity is known to renew and revitalize individuals as they are able to express themselves …