A big shout out of gratitude to Jason and Peter of Ignite Sadhana for sharing this information with us!
Over time, we as humans have developed a different attitude towards nature and we’ve forgotten about our inner power and our connection as humans with nature. This is the ability of our body to adapt to extreme temperature and survive within our natural environment. The Wim Hof Method is based on this principle.
Because we wear clothes and artificially control the temperatures at home and at work, we’ve greatly reduced the natural stimulation of our bodies, atrophying the age-old mechanisms related to our survival and basic function. Because these deeper physiological layers are no longer triggered, our bodies are no longer in touch with this inner power. The inner power is a powerful force that can be reawakened by stimulating these physiological processes through the Wim Hof Method.
The Wim Hof Method consists of 3 pillars: breathwork, cold exposure and mindset. The combination of the 3 has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, relieve anxiety, depression and other mental disorders, increase vitality, strengthen the immune system and fight autoimmune disorders (among other benefits).
The science can be broken down into three parts:
Part 1: Hyperventilation:
During the first part of the breathwork we take deep inhales, using mouth and nose, into the stomach, using only the diaphragm muscles, and let the air fill up to your chest then imagine it going to your head and let the breath/tension go. You are breathing in oxygen, taking up all the space in your lungs and releasing all the CO2. This will blow off CO2 in your body. CO2 is necessary for oxygen transfer into your muscles, cells and tissues, without it, your body goes into a sympathetic state, blood vessels begin to constrict. Oxygen levels are at normal high levels of 98-100%. Your CO2 level and the transfer of that oxygen has drastically decreased bringing your blood into a more alkaline state. A more alkaline state makes it harder for viruses and bacteria to survive.
Part 2: The Nervous System
Wim Hof Method breathing includes a number of benefits which optimize not only the physical, but the mental, spiritual and emotional as well. The most powerful and beneficial of them all is the work being done within the nervous system. As we hyper ventilate we send ourselves into a deep sympathetic state (fight or flight) equivalent to person bungy jumping for the first time. Followed by a deep parasympathetic state (rest and digest) when we do the breath retention after the exhale. What we gain, through traveling back forth the extremes of our nervous system, is heightened control of where our brain is operating at any given time. The fact is, every function and movement that happens in our body is dictated by the central nervous system. Acquiring the ability to be in charge of where your nervous system is, allows us to optimize where and when we use/waste our energy; mentally and physically. Each time you breath consciously, you build a deeper capability to control your nervous system in real life situations. This includes improving coping abilities associated with pain and high stress situations through an improved vagal tone. .
Part 3: Chemical Balance
The chemical balance and cell expression in the body change and optimize during the breathing. During the first part of the breathwork, you are breathing in oxygen, taking up all the space in your lungs and releasing all the CO2. This will blow off CO2 in your body. CO2 is necessary for oxygen transfer into your muscles, cells and tissues, without it, your body goes into a sympathetic state, blood vessels begin to constrict. Your CO2 level and the transfer of that oxygen has drastically decreased bringing your blood into a more alkaline state. A more alkaline state makes it harder for viruses and bacteria to survive. Furthermore, in the sympathetic state, you will be charged up, having created an excess of needed energy in body. On the other side, during the retention and in the parasympathetic state, we bring our body to place of healing and deep connection within your ourselves. CO2 and nitric oxide begin to slowly build in the blood, nasal cavity, and entire body. Increasing the transfer of oxygen throughout your body on a level we typically won’t experience. In addition, the CO2 build up dilatates your blood vessels, allowing new, fresh blood, to flow freely throughout your body, providing healing nutrients. The continued replenishment of fresh blood to the muscles, tissues and cells decreases the lactic acid build up and allows the muscles to heal efficiently. More specifically, the breathing or intermittent hypoxia, increases blood PH, reducing inflammation and flushing lactic acid. This process as a whole optimizes our immune system, circulation, metabolism, and VO2 max (the body’s ability to work more efficiently with reduced O2) while reducing inflammation in the brain and body.
Be curious! Join us on Friday, May 6th for The Wim Hof Method from 6pm to 10pm. In this workshop, Peter and Jason start by explaining the theory, science and 3 pillars of the method. Next, they’ll lead you through Wim Hof Method Breathwork, tapping into the deep, autonomic regions of the brain and optimize the immune system. Finally, the group will enter into the cold exposure portion of the workshop where they will enter into an ice bath for up to 2 minutes. Upon a slow entry up to their necks, they will begin taking control of their stress response by controlling their breath and maintaining focus until a calm mind is achieved. After carefully exiting the ice bath participants use movement and focused attention to naturally warm their bodies up and ignite dormant human capabilities! Sign up at www.ignitesadhana.com