Science Behind Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment.  Often mindfulness involves bringing one’s attention to the present moment through practice.   Mindfulness benefits one’s physiology, neuroscience, and psychology.  By practicing mindfulness one can regulate their stress response and reduce the harmful effects of stress which include immune system suppression and cellular aging.  Mindfulness has the power to change brain structures.  These changes occur in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and right anterior insula, and the default mode network. These changes in brain structures can change thought patterns, reaction patterns, and nervous system responses.  When one practices mindfulness and meditation, the brain may enter a calm and centered state. As one continues to practice, the brain begins to recognize this state as a default state. A person’’s brains can learn to be more calm, mindful, and centered even when they are not practicing mindfulness. It is through changing the default brain state that allows a person to change patterns of reactions and responses.

In addition, practicing mindfulness has shown that it can protect the brain from decline and neurological diseases.  Mindfulness-Based Interventions have decreased symptoms of psychological and physical ailments.  Overall mindful practices have been shown through research to decrease stress, decrease intensity of anxiety, decrease depression symptoms, increase focus, improve emotional regulation, increase self-awareness, improve immune function, improve sleep, reduce perception of pain, and increase overall wellbeing. 

Be Curious! We have two different opportunities to practice mindfulness in October–Mindfulness for Everyone Series and Mindful Mosaic Workshop. 

Join us for Mindfulness for Everyone Series facilitated by Maxine Middlebrook starting on October 3rd from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.   In this four-week series, participants will learn about the science behind mindfulness and practice three different present moment awareness exercises each week.  Participants may choose to attend all four sessions or drop in for one class. Cost is $25 per session; $80 prepayment discount for all four sessions.  

Join us for Mindful Mosaic on October 5th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. facilitated by Heather Spencer and Maxine MIddlebrook.  In this workshop, participants will be guided through an arrival centering exercise, then they will create their own mosaic art piece while incorporating mindfulness and sensory awareness.  $45 per person.  All supplies are included. 

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