Self Love

Self-love can be defined as having an appreciation, affinity, and positive regard for yourself. Often times this includes showing yourself grace, compassion, understanding, and curious awareness. Self-love is characterized by an ability to understand your own value and treat yourself in a loving way.

And, if you don’t feel self-love all the time, know that you are not alone. Many humans struggle to feel self-love and that is often a result of adverse experiences in childhood and adulthood.

Fortunately, self-love is a skill that can be cultivated and is a worthwhile venture as there are many benefits to loving yourself. Those who cultivate self-love have lower stress,  increased ability to take action and set boundaries, and increased feelings of empathy and compassion.

One of the first steps in cultivating self-love is to become curious about YOU and what self-love may look and feel like. If you feel called to begin or continue your self-love journey, we invite you to explore the following questions in a journal, the notes app on your phone, or perhaps with a trusted friend.

When you think about loving yourself, what reactions or feelings arise?  Knowing that anything that arises is okay.  If contradictory feelings or reactions arise, are you able to sit with them and accept them as they are?

When you love yourself, how do you attend to your mental and emotional needs? What does your self-talk look like?

When you love yourself, how do you attend to your physical needs? What do you eat? How do you move your body?

When you love yourself, how do you attend to your social and spiritual needs? What activities are you engaging in?

Now, that you have a picture of what it looks and feels like when you practice self-love, we invite you to begin integrating these activities, practices, and feelings into your everyday life.

“I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.”—Maya Angelou

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