We are all recovering from something. Addiction is a path many people experience. But what if addiction is not just confined to substance use. What if it exists in all of us, influencing our behaviors, relationships, and perceptions of the world?
Renowned physician and author, Gabor Maté defines addiction as “any behavior that gives you temporary relief, temporary pleasure, but in the long term causes harm, has some negative consequences and you can’t give it up, despite those negative consequences.” Reflecting on this definition allows us to see that anything from compulsively checking our phones, overworking, placing too much emphasis on the needs of others, or even shopping could be an addictive behavior.
Any form of addiction is an attempt to alleviate pain and suffering. Check out Dr. Gabor Maté’s video to learn more.
Once we understand that all addictions are a way to escape pain, we then understand that addiction is not a choice. It is a behavior that started out as a way to cope with pain and morphed into a behavior that perpetuates pain.
Gabor Maté’s exploration of addiction calls us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. In acknowledging the multifaceted nature of addiction, we can foster a culture of empathy and understanding. Through curiosity and compassion, we have the power to uncover and heal the addict within us, transforming our lives in profound ways.
Are you ready to transform your life? Connect with us today and begin your recovery journey.
“There is one addiction process…whether it is manifested in the lethal substance dependencies, the frantic self-soothing of the overeaters or the shopaholics; the obsession of gamblers, sexaholics, and compulsive internet users; or the socially acceptable and even admired behaviors of the workaholic.” ~ Gabor Maté