The Science of Drumming

Drumming is good for you.  It’s  good for your brain, your physical health, and your mental health.  Research shows that drumming and listening to drumming synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of our brain. This connection allows for our brain to grow stronger and allows for us to access our intuition in new ways.  When we drum, we generate new pathways in our brain and the more integrated our brain becomes.  This integration increases our self-awareness and our sense of openness.   Through drumming, we increase our Alpha brain waves and release endorphins which provides us with a natural sense of euphoria, calm, and relaxation.  Essentially, we will get high, naturally, just by drumming.   Those same endorphins also help in the management of chronic pain and reduce our stress hormones. Science has also proven that drumming increases T-cells in our bodies which help fight cancer, AIDS, and other viruses.  

When we drum, we also connect with ourselves, with each other, and the natural world.  Many drummers report that drumming allows them to connect with themselves on a spiritual level, connect with other like minded individuals, and feel the rhythms that exist in nature.  Drumming releases negative feelings and emotions.  When we physically hit our drums, we can move emotions through our body and remove any blocks that may be holding negative emotions in us.   When we drum, we create a space where we are fully in the present moment.  There is no time in a drum circle to think about our past or worry about our future.  

So, are you ready to explore your curiosity?  Come drum with us!  Every Thursday at 5pm for Beat Stress Drum Circle.  No experience is necessary and all you need to bring is you!

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